i feel like i'm around children all the time.
which i usually am, and i love it. my aunt owned a daycare for over 15 years. i have 6 cousins from the age of 8 yrs til 3 months. i have worked in 3 daycares and babysat many times. i also sponser a child from guatemala, named Edwin.
i really do love children, and one day i would love to have my own. "my own" meaning i would love to adopt. i've never really been a huge fan of the whole pregnancy deal. getting fat, getting sick, having weird moods, and the pain. i'm not the best person to deal with pain. to be honest, i'm quite the baby. my momma says i will change my mind one day, when i'm married and all. who knows, maybe i will. have one child and adopt 2. thats good, i think. :)
despite all of THAT. i do more than anything, i would love to adopt. i've always thought of the adoption process so precious. its something i've thought about doing for a really long time. i would love to adopt a baby from Guatemala and China. there are so many babies in this world that need a mommy & daddy. someone to love them, to keep them safe, & to always be there. i cant imagine my life without my parents. my sister/best friend was adopted and she has the best life & is an amazing lady. adoption is a long process, but i believe it is such a wonderful & special process.
i know one day, i will adopt.
change the world one step at a time.
be the change you wish to see in this world.~Mahatma Gandhi
And whoever welcomes one such child in
my name welcomes me. Matthew 18:5
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