sarah anne is cheering this year and i really couldnt be more excited, that she wants to be a cheerleader. she use to say "when i grow up, i'm gonna be a cheerleader just like kerwy." and just let me tell you, it melts my heart that she is a cheerleader. she is doing so well with all the cheers and has a great kart-wheel. she has become such a big girl. :)

kaylan is growing way too fast. she's starting to talk more clearly and walking like a pro. she has the best little laugh and the biggest smile you've ever seen. she's just a sweetie and a beautiful one at that. :)

eric is such a big boy now. he can make you laugh in a minute and has the funniest smile at the moment(he has a few teeth missing)ha. he loves baseball like no other 8 year old i've ever known and he knows everything. he's so smart. he will always be that little boy that i held when he came into this world. so precious and charming. i just love him. :)

sarah anne had her pageant tonight. i wasnt able to make it because of work. dumb, yes i know. i did call her and told her she looked so beautiful! i will be able to see them tomorrow at msu's homecoming and i'm really excited to see them all. :)
even though i'll be at state's game, i still love my rebs. yes, thats right, i said rebs. they WILL always be the rebels. no one can take it away from my heart. nor my mouth. ha! Hotty Toddy! :)
Hope you all have a wonderful weekend!! :)
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