this is my roomie.
we've been friends since the 7th grade. after high school we both went our separate ways. she went to alabama & i went down south. even though for the past 3 years we have been atleast 6 hrs apart, we always seemed to keep up with each other. when we were both home for the weekend or holidays, we would always see each other at some point.
its funny how God works, because we are both now 30 minutes away from home and living together. and to make it even more interesting, we both are single and trying to figure out what we should do for the rest of our lives. God has definitely been showing us a few things in the last month. we are both loving our lives at this moment & time though.
God closes doors, so that new ones can be opened. we will soon see what new doors open.
until then, we keep smiling, laughing, & having fun in the new adventures. :)
hope you all have a fun & eventful week! :)