witnessing one of my best friends get married.

beach getaway.

cheering on the ackerman indians.

tubing with sarah anne and eric.

riding in the back of ms rose's truck.

snow days at jcjc.

spa days with momma.

missions in atlanta.

recording my cd.

jcjc orientation with my sister.

beach trips.

john mayer in concert.

singing with jcjc choir.

rock the universe with em.

privileged to be in an awesome praise band.


dying hair.

fair nights.

beauty & the beast at jcjc.

pageant days.

jcjc football.

sushi dates with sweet friend.

new orleans trips.

2nd row cuties for david cook.
there are so many more memories, but these are just a few of my favorite ones.
Have a great Thursday!
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