so waiting is a pretty difficult thing for me to do. as in other blogs, ive talked about how i dont have patience. with anything. i hate that about me. ive really tried working on it. somedays are better than others of course, but i never can completely have full patience with everything.
last night i was talking to a new friend, that told me something interesting.
we were on the subject "how does he know he's met the one?" to be honest, ive never heard it put in this way. to hear someone be in a relationship for almost 2 years and say that he doesnt think about it.
he told me, "I have a certain priority order that most people i talk to disagree with. The way I handle my relationships is that I put God 1st, Family 2nd, friends 3rd, education 4th, THEN my girlfriend. most people immediately put girlfriend 1st or 2nd. so "the one" is not something that i think about this point in life. I dont know who God has planned for me to marry. Although, the girl i'm dating now has alot of what i want in a wife."
this really opened my eyes. you know we've all heard the saying "put God first and everything else will fall into place." it is so true. when God is in it, its going to be amazing.
so for me to have patience, is so big for me. i know i can do it, i just have to give it all to Him. and thats so hard to do sometimes. to not think about when i'll meet "the one" or who i will marry, to not worry, to not be bothered about things, to not remember things from the past. i know God has forgiven me and i have said take it all, Lord. but WHY do i beat myself up about it. its me that wont let go. its me. i ask that you pray for me.
the Christian walk isnt going to be easy, but He promised He would never leave.
for that i am so thankful and humbled by.
Have a wonderful Tuesday. :)
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