this week was a full one. we had spring fever, along with my birthday week, and just school. period.
wednesday night, i was able to sing praise to Him and see one of best friends in this world. i was so excited i was able to see her. i had invited her to come because i knew she would love the song i would sing, "Healer" by Kari Jobe. she said i did the song "beautifully" and i was super happy she enjoyed it. she is a very special friend to me. i do not know what my life would be like without her sweet spirit.
thursday, "onedaywithoutshoes" the day had come about and i knew what i was going to do. i went to class without any shoes on my feet. i did not mind going barefoot, i am a country girl and it comes out every now and then. despite that fact, a day without shoes did make break me. it made me really think of how it would be without shoes everyday. in rain, not knowing where or what you may step on, and not having any comfort for your feet, i can't imagine. i am so grateful that i have shoes, more than alot of ppl do, come to think of it. i'll never think of going barefoot in the same way.
that night some of my old friends got together for my birthday. it was fun and i have missed a lot of those friends desperately. i realized that my time at jones is soon coming to an end. i have spent 3 years of my life here, it seems like yesterday that i started as a freshy and didnt know anybody. it is kinda bittersweet at times. although i am excited about the future, so i will not be sad. i will not.
friday , i had school. boo. had a test i didn't have to study for after all because it was open notes and book. yeah i know, it was ahmazing. special olympics were that morning, i helped with the Bocce sport. it is very eye-opening to be in the atmoshpere of it all. that afternoon i took myself to lee's to see my sweet friend and had some lunch or a snack you could say. pb&j sandwich and it was delish. met some cool people and saw some faces i hadn't seen in a while.
that night went to see "the last song", and i cried like a little baby. it is a precious movie and if you haven't seen it, go and if you dont wanna go alone, i'll be gladly to see it again. k thanks.
saturday, took a random road trip to orange beach. oh how i needed to see the beach. it was absolutely beautiful and i did not want to leave. one day i will live close enough to the beach, that i can go anytime i please. mark my words. i never get tired of the sound of waves crashing ashore.

today is sunday. i woke up late, but got to church on time. oh the joys of being a college student, where you learn how to get ready in a heart-beat ha. church was wonderful, as always. i love hearing bro. frankie preach, God always speaks through him. went to eat lunch in the cafe and i saw a surprise. it was an old friend, that i miss so much these days. she always puts a smile on my face when i see her.
and yes, i know there are more stories of my week then pictures this time. ha.
there is victory in His strength. if it had not been for the Lord, i would be nothing. His strength is mine. Psalm 18:1 "I love you, Lord. You are my strength."
its been a great day for me and i hope has been for you, also.
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