so this is my house, these days. i really do love it out here in the country. it's a nice escape from the city everyday. i have a lot of room, it's a very homey feel, and i have a wonderful roomie. :) I haven't really finished decorating my room yet. I still have a few pieces to get and then i will be able to show more pictures of the house. :)
my interview went very well on tuesday. i hope to hear back from them soon and hope they tel me i got the job! :) it will be an answered prayer for sure. even if i dont get it, i know God has something else in store for me. i just have to be patient. which is very hard for me, God knows how to test my patience very well. haha. He does know best!
anyway, just thought i would share a bit with you today.
i can't wait to go home next weekend. (home, back up north. my parents house.) Ha! i've been a little homesick the past few days. but it's getting better! :)
i hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!! :) be happy & smile!! :)