Hey Everybody!
Sooo i've been away for a long time. well away from blogging world.
I am now a Massage Therapist. I have moved back to north mississippi, and i'm trying to get use to it again.
I'm not a fan of change these days.
I will be working at a spa, as a massage therapist & I will also be a intern youth pastor at a church. I'm excited but scared and nervous at the same time. Change is just not fun sometimes, but we all do it.
Change as in growing up. Growing up to be an adult. Well young adult in my case. Everyone around me is getting big jobs, getting engaged, getting married, having babies, moving into new towns. it's just alot of change and I just don't know how to deal with it. I know, I know, i'm kinda of being silly, but it's just alot.
When I was little, I always thought I can't wait to grow up and be on my own. Now, I look back and think why on earth would ever think that. Being a grown up, isn't fun. I mean there are some good things that come out of it, but really, it's just not the most fun.
I'm gonna try my best to look on the brighter side of things, but as for now, i still don't like change. :(
I'll let you know how this Change thing works out for me in a couple of days.... wish me luck! :)
Kerry :)
Tuesday, September 4, 2012
Saturday, November 26, 2011
be thankful & give.
it's that time again. Christmas time.Family time.Happy time.
i am so thankful for this life God has given me. I do not know who i would be without Him.
everyday i realize more & more, how blessed i truely am.
i am the volunteer cooridnator at a hospice place, i go & visit patients in nursing homes & assisted living homes & of course i get ppl to volunteer to come with me. going to visit patients, makes my heart joyful & it also breaks it. i take a look at my life, & i realize that i have it pretty good. i can walk, talk, eat, breathe, make decisions for myself, i have my memory, and most of all i have my Savior who will always love me no matter what. i am so thankful.
today, my momma asked me what i wanted for christmas, i honestly did not know what to say back. i thought about i through out the day & this came to my mind. why do i want anything for Christmas at all, when i already have everything i could ever need? there are so many others who have nothing and need things, why would i want to recieve more things i dont even need? i want to give & give to people who are in need. that is my heart, my passion. that is what i want for Christmas, to give.
Be Thankful for the life you have. You are rich & so blessed.
Give to someone this Christmas. Bless them & let them Bless you.
i am so thankful for this life God has given me. I do not know who i would be without Him.
everyday i realize more & more, how blessed i truely am.
i am the volunteer cooridnator at a hospice place, i go & visit patients in nursing homes & assisted living homes & of course i get ppl to volunteer to come with me. going to visit patients, makes my heart joyful & it also breaks it. i take a look at my life, & i realize that i have it pretty good. i can walk, talk, eat, breathe, make decisions for myself, i have my memory, and most of all i have my Savior who will always love me no matter what. i am so thankful.
today, my momma asked me what i wanted for christmas, i honestly did not know what to say back. i thought about i through out the day & this came to my mind. why do i want anything for Christmas at all, when i already have everything i could ever need? there are so many others who have nothing and need things, why would i want to recieve more things i dont even need? i want to give & give to people who are in need. that is my heart, my passion. that is what i want for Christmas, to give.
Be Thankful for the life you have. You are rich & so blessed.
Give to someone this Christmas. Bless them & let them Bless you.
Friday, October 21, 2011
missing you. home sweet home.
Tuesday, October 18, 2011
late night.
sooo i'm blogging late tonight, but it's kind of the only time i have these days & i just wanted to give you an update on life. :)
i am now working 2 jobs and going to school at night. i. am. a. busy. girl. but i realllyyy LOVE it!! i love being busy & the 2 jobs i have now, i am very thankful for & i'm so blessed to have them. pray that i will only do my best at both jobs and in school.
this past weekend was so great. i was able to spend time with my sweet friend. i have missed her very much. i brought her some treats from a cafe that i'm in love with, we ate mexican, saw the new footloose, which was amazing!! made me wanna get up and dance. :) then we went to a bonfire at a friends field. it was such a nice night for it, the stars & moon were shining bright. God sure does bless me, even in the small things. i am so thankful.
and oh my goodness, today i felt the first feel of fall. the wind was a cool, strong burst that said "hey, i have arrived!". to tell you the truth, i am not quite sure that i'm ready for it. i guess it doesn't matter though, it's here anyway it goes. it gives me a great excuse to go shopping! you know, just a little. :)
well anyways, i'll be back soon to write more.
thanks for reading. :)
Kerry :)
Thursday, September 29, 2011
i am reading crazy love by francis chan. i realize that this book is a few years old, but i have recently in the past months have become a "reader" or a "book worm" in a sense. ha never thought i would say that about myself, but i guess it's a sign of getting older? haha i dont know, but this book is really opening my mind.
i recently finished radical by david platt and the shack by william p. young, they are 2 different books. radical makes me more passionate about missions & about people who need Jesus. the shack is a fiction, that gives you a wonderful image of what heaven could be like, it also gives a better understanding of how deep the love of the Father is for us. after these two books, i wanted more, so what did i do? i picked out crazy love. i'm only in chapter 4, but i'm already hooked & i've been thinking about what i've read so far this week. something that really caught my attention was in chapter 2 he writes:
"Frankly, you need to get over yourself..... Maybe life's pretty good for you right now. God has given you this good stuff so that you can show the world a person who enjoys blessings, but who is still totally obsessed with God.Or maybe life is tough right now, and everything feels like a struggle. God has allowed hard things in your life so you can show the world that your God is great & that knowing Him brings peace & joy, even when life is hard..... To be brutally honest, it doesn't matter what place you find yourself in right now. Your part is to bring Him glory..... The point of your life is to point to HIm, whatever you are doing God wants to be glorified, because this whole thing is His. It is His movie, His world, His gift."
i was driving to school one afternoon, and since i've been down here in the past months i have seen homeless people around the roads where i'd drive. well on this afternoon, i went under a bridge, and there was a man under the bridge, with all of his belongings. it brought tears to my eyes, and memories of when i've been on mission trips and seen that. but never had i seen it here.
we need to wake up. we need to follow in HIS footsteps. loving each other & caring for others.
we need to be thankful for the lives that we have and stop complaining about what we don't have. "we need to stop living selfish lives, forgetful of our God." we need to get over ourselves! it's not about you! nothing else matters except our God!
"Rejoice in the Lord Always. I will say it again: Rejoice!" Phil. 4:4
<3 Kerry
Friday, September 9, 2011
here lately.
here lately, school is consuming my life!! ha, i have been studying so much! i had 4 test this week, thankfully i passed all of them. this wednesday, i have a job interview & then i have a big hands on & written final that night! so, i will be studying all weekend. pray for me!!
this past weekend, i went home. it was exactly what i needed. :)
it was a very busy weekend! one of my best friends married her best friend on saturday. it was a beautiful wedding, it was outside across from a lake & the weather was perfect. i sang in the wedding & i have to say it was a little emotional for me to see her get married. we've been best friends since 7th grade & we were roommates this past year, while in starkville. we've been like sisters all these years & no matter when we moved to different colleges, we always made time to catch up. although it was a little sad, i am so happy for her. she is so happy & i know they'll have a great life together. :)
i also had the best date to the wedding. it was fun catching up with an old friend, & to be treated like a lady by him. I thank God for wonderful guy friends like him. :)
sunday, i sang in church that morning. i sang Temporary Home by Carrie Underwood. it's a very touching song, always makes people think, including myself.
that afternoon, i was able to go to a little girls birthday party. i adore this little girl & her sister, they're so sweet. i enjoyed seeing them & getting to share that day with them. i thank God for putting them in my life, they are truly a blessing to me. :)
after the party, i met up with my momma, we went shopping & to my fav little place in starkville, Local Culture. it really is the best little yogurt place around. the yummy, goodness is so filling & smooth, it makes you always want more. :)
monday, was a much slower day. i was thankful for monday, it rained & i didn't have to go anywhere. just studied & watched soul surfer with momma that night. i love rainy days. :)
tuesday, was a little sad. i had to pack up & drive back down south. not the whole day was sad though. i went back to starkville, went by the daycare to see my babies. oh how they have grown!! within a month of not seeing them, i was amazed of how big they had became! the sweetest thing though, i walked in and they all smiled at me. one gave me a hug & then the rest of them came to me to do the same. i sure do miss those sweet babies. i hope they never forget me, i know i wont forget them. :)
for lunch, i met up with a great lady. we have become really close over the past months & she has become my spiritual countability partner. every time we've eaten in starkville, we eat at the veranda. it's my fav restaurant in starkville & i do believe that's our place to eat out. ha! it was really great to catch up with her & just share stories. i am so thankful God put her in my life, she's a wonderful friend to me. such a blessing. :)
and now here i am, it's friday!! glad it was a short week! a friend is coming to stay with me tonight, i'm excited! so, this means i need to go clean house & get off the computer.
i can't wait for sunday!! something exciting is happening, i will be sure to blog about it on monday! i hope you all have a great weekend!
be thankful for people & things you have in your life! God blesses us everyday & we have to find the goodness in everyday! start believing today that His mercies are as real as He says they are!
:) Smile!
Thursday, August 25, 2011
new beginnings.

so this is my house, these days. i really do love it out here in the country. it's a nice escape from the city everyday. i have a lot of room, it's a very homey feel, and i have a wonderful roomie. :) I haven't really finished decorating my room yet. I still have a few pieces to get and then i will be able to show more pictures of the house. :)
my interview went very well on tuesday. i hope to hear back from them soon and hope they tel me i got the job! :) it will be an answered prayer for sure. even if i dont get it, i know God has something else in store for me. i just have to be patient. which is very hard for me, God knows how to test my patience very well. haha. He does know best!
anyway, just thought i would share a bit with you today.
i can't wait to go home next weekend. (home, back up north. my parents house.) Ha! i've been a little homesick the past few days. but it's getting better! :)
i hope you all have a wonderful rest of the day!! :) be happy & smile!! :)
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